
The Postgraduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PPGCF) at Masters and PhD levels, academic modality, is open to graduates in Pharmacy or related fields since they are approved in the selection process. The PPGCF was approved by the CTC/CAPES on May 24, /2005 with concept 3 and, on December 8-12, 2014, was promoted to concept 4, and the PhD course began in January 2015 (code CAPES: 52001016031P0; Ordinance No. 326, published in the DOU dated March 10 2017, Section 1, Page 10.). The PPGCF is regulated by Resolution CONSUNI/UFG # 12/2005 of 06/24/2005 (Master level), by Resolution CONSUNI/UFG  # 4/2015 of 02/13/2015 and by Resolution CEPEC/UFG  # 1477 March, 22 2017. Its activities began in September 2005. The Program confers the Master's degree or PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences to the student who fulfills the sufficient credits in disciplines, in complementary activities and to submit his dissertation or thesis to the qualification bank and approval in session of defense. The requirements must be fulfilled in a maximum of 24 months (Master degree) or 48 months (Doctorate degree).

Brief History: The general objectives of the PPGCF / UFG are to promote the training of teachers, the training of researchers, the technical-scientific improvement of professionals working in pharmacies, pharmaceutical industries, government agencies and private establishments engaged in activities inherent to the pharmaceutical sciences; to advise government agencies and private sector institutions in the search for solutions to pertinent problems in the area of ​​pharmacy; to foster the production of new knowledge in the Pharmacy area; to detect problems relating to the pharmaceutical sciences and to develop innovative research proposals to contribute to their resolution; produce, disseminate, in specialized publications, knowledge generated from scientific research.

The PPGCF/UFG started its activities in August 2005 with 8 teachers and 13 students enrolled. Since then, it has shown a clear evolution in relation to the number of teachers, students and qualified intellectual production (currently, in 2019, the PPGCF has 15 permanent teachers and 4 colaborators, besides about 90 students enrolled, and produces about 90 articles of good scientific quality per year, besides having produced about 190 dissertations and 5 theses).

Until 2008, the demand in the selective processes was predominant of professionals already active in the market, graduated for several years, who sought a master's degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, which was non-existent at the time of their conclusion of the undergraduate course. The participation of these masters in the program had as a characteristic a maturity and objectivity component that brought important contributions to the program. In addition, it should be noted that many of them were already teaching undergraduate courses in Pharmacy in the region.

From 2008 onwards, it was observed that the demand came to be mostly new graduates of the undergraduate course and they began to print another characteristic to the routine of the program, resulting from the experiences of these students in the scientific initiation and their previous involvement in the laboratories of research.

From these findings, the trend of the reduction of the median age of the students of the program was observed, as well as the increase in the rhythm of obtaining results and product generation. This change also had a positive impact on intellectual production.

The Program understands that the increase in scientific production, both from a numerical point of view and from the point of view of the impact of production, is a goal to be achieved in the process of its consolidation. We emphasize that these objectives have been achieved, since we achieved grade 4 in the evaluation of the triennium 2011-2013, we maintained in the quadrennium 2014-2016 and now, with good indicators of scientific production (improvement in the strata of Qualis classification, besides other aspects), we are doing a work to achieve grade 5 in the CAPES assessment, in the 2017-2020 quadrennium.

Area of ​​concentration: Drugs and Pharmaceutical Forms

Program Research Lines:

- Pharmacotechnical, analytical and biopharmaceutical development of drugs and medicines.

- Planning, synthesis and biological evaluation of natural products and bioactive molecules.